Jun. 1, 1750

“Order” issued by the Hochstift* of Würzburg [Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “Jews must sell the realties which they’ve acquired for the purpose of reselling them, within one year and one day.” [Researcher’s note: *A Hochstift was an independent territory within the Holy Roman Empire. (‘Juden müssen die zum Wiederverkaufe an sich gebrachten Immobilien in einem Jahr und Tag wieder verkaufen) The term “an sich bringen” has a negative connotation in German. This quote of the original order was found in the Aschaffenburger Newspaper of Tuesday 11 December 1849 in the State Archives of Bavaria.]
Aschaffenburger Zeitung. Amtliches Organ der NSDAP und der Staats und Gemeindebehörden. (Newspaper of Aschaffenburg. Official organ of the NSDAP and the state and municipal authorities.); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/22/2013 ADD PAGE #