Jun. 29, 1752

“Rescript” Issued by Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia addressed to the Neumark- and Pomeranian Chamber [Present-day Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Frederick, King of Prussia [… since it has come to our attention that during a burglary in the district of Upper-Barmen (‘Ober-Barmischen Creises’) a total sum of 2424 Thlr [Thaler] 21 Gr [Groschen] and 6 Pf [Pfennige] were taken/stolen, and while the perpetrators have not been found yet, it is Jews that are mostly implicated in the break-in and theft […] and that a rather extraordinary number of all kinds of foreign beggar- and transient Jews have been seen to be passing through our suburbs and cities for a while from whom nothing but mischief and such theft can be expected […] that is why We graciously order you herewith [to take the necessary precautions …] so that beggar-Jews, who come frequently from Poland, can no longer enter/pass through so freely and unobstructed through Our land, but to rather turn them back at the borders […]”
Novum Corpus Constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium Praecipue Marchicarum, Oder Neue Sammlung Königl. Preußl. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgischer, sonderlich in der Chur- und Marck Brandenburg, Wie auch andern Provintzien, publicirten und ergangenen Ordnungen, Edicten, Mandaten, Rescripten … Vom Anfang des Jahrs 1751 und folgenden Zeiten …  Zu Berlin und auswärtigen Orten zu bekommen, bey den Factoren der Königl. Preußischen Academie der Wissenschaften. (New Collection of Royal Prussian laws in the Electorate of Brandenburg, particularly Ordinances, Edicts, Mandates, and Rescripts published and issued in the Electorate and Margraviate of Brandenburg, As Well As Other Provinces… From the beginning of the year 1751 and Subsequent Times … Available in Berlin and Foreign Townships, at the Factories of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences. *Berlin; 1753); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/22/2020 ADD PAGE #