Jul. 16, 1755

Order by Xavier Le Bret, Intendent and Commissioner [France]: “We, Cardin, Francis, Xavier Le Bret … Intendant and commissioner by His Majesty for the execution of his orders in the province of Brittany, without regard to the exceptions of said Dalpuget and Petit, Jewish nation, which we rejected, we make very express defenses to settle and make their residence in the city of Saint-Malo […] or in any other cities and places of this province and to traffic, sell and debit goods […] except for during fairs only. “
Intendance et États de Bretagne, commerce, correspondance générale (1677-1789) », C 1567. And Les Juifs En Bretagne, Claude Toczé, Annie Lambert. Chapitre 2. Négociants juifs en Bretagne au xviiie siècle; Researched and Translated by Cristina Penland 4/30/2019 ADD PAGE # AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION