Sept. 5, 1755

Declaration, issued by Carl I, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg [Present-day Germany]: “1. No residents [of Brunswick], Christians as well as Jews, with the exception of the two major trade fairs, shall, without prior notification of the City Magistrate, shelter any Jew, under penalty of five thalers for every violation. 2. Innkeepers are permitted to take in visiting Jews, but not for more than 24 hours, except if the Jew is sick, in which case he may recuperate at the inn, but must not engage in any trading. 3. Those Jews who desire to stay a few days must give notice to the Magistrate and follow his orders regarding their stay. In any case, their trunks and luggage shall be kept at a city gate until their departure, and only the most necessary items for their stay shall be brought into the city by the Jews. 4. Any Jews arriving on the regular or postal coach must only get off the coach in front of the post office, under penalty of 5 thalers. 5. Since the City Magistrate must have a complete list of all Jews inside the city, Our protected Jews shall immediately report to him any changes in their domestic staff. 6. Jews attending Our trade fairs must not arrive before the Thursday preceding Fair Week, and these fair-Jews must leave by the Tuesday following Fair Week 7. In addition to every fine of 5 thalers, violators shall pay an additional 8 groschens to the City Magistrate.”

“Serenissimi gnädigste Verordnung, die nach Braunschweig kommenden Juden betreffend [Most serene and merciful Ordinance, regarding the Jews coming to Brunswick],” 9/5/1755; Decrees Collection; AR 379; Box 1; Folder 124; Leo Baeck Institute. ADD RESEARCHER/DATE