Feb. 24, 1756

“Edict” issued by the [City] Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Even though §24, 25 and 26 of the local Jewish-Settlement/Establishment [ordinance] (‘Juden-Stättigkeit’) clearly orders how Jews are to behave on Sun[days] and Christian holy-days and that they are to remain in their alley/ghetto (‘Gasse’) and not to enter the alleys and streets of the city [itself] without an honest reason and without the permission of the mayors […] the highly-noble and wise Council has noticed with displeasure that Jews do not seem to shy away from wantonly violating this ordinance, and that Jewish men and women – alone or in heaps – stroll through the streets of the city on Sund[ays] and holy-days and go for a walk […] which was only permitted to them in emergencies […]. [This is why] the highly-noble Council of the city [sees it necessary to reissue the ordinance … so that no one can claim ignorance …] 1) That all Jews, big or small, man or woman – without exception – may not enter the streets of the city […] all day between Good-Friday until after Easter […] as well as after bed-hours (‘Bet-Stunde’) as well as on all holy-days before the end of church-service […]” [Researcher’s note: Few exceptions are made, such as during emergencies, however, they are “not to abuse this concession” and must always take the shortest way. All Jews are also to completely refrain from going for a walk in the avenue [by the horse-market] (‘Allee auf dem Roßmarkt’) […]. The above edict contains 8 long paragraphs and has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. The entire edict can be found in the cited source.]
Jeschurun. Ein Monatsblatt zur Förderung jüdischen Geistes und jüdischen Lebens in Haus, Gemeinde und Schule, herausgegeben von Samson Raphael Hirsch, Rabbiner der Israelischen Religionsgesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. Sechster Jahrgang. (Jeschurun. A monthly magazine to promote Jewish spirit and Jewish life at home, in the community and at school, published by Samson Raphael Hirsch, Rabbi of the Israeli-Religious-Society in Frankfurt am Main. Sixth issue.); (Frankfurt a. M.; 1860); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/17/2020 ADD PAGE #