Jul. 22, 1758

“Proclamation No. XXXIV that foreign Jews are to be watched and unidentified Jews to be stopped” issued by Royal Prussian Pomeranian War and Domain Chamber [Prussia / Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic]: “It has been noticed that a lot of Jews have been spotted in the country due to the various invasions by the Russian troops, and that those unknown Jews could turn out to be spies, or have other associations with the enemy and criminals. Hence, all court authorities are required to look out for foreign Jews and to stop all unidentified Jews and not allow them to enter into the country. Those foreign and unidentified Jews that are caught in the country are to be taken to the nearest fortress and placed under forced labor. This proclamation is to be posted in all villages, cities and gates.”
Mylius, Christian Otto: Des Corporis Constitutionum Marchicarum, Fünfter Theil. (Berlin 1740), p. 305-306, Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/23/2015 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION