Mar. 17, 1758

“Ad Mandatum (‘the Mandate’)” issued by v. Danckelmann* and addressed to the Government of Magdeburg [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg/Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] 10) As far as gypsies are concerned, which are to be regarded as some of the most dangerous vagabonds — and similarly beggar-Jews — the strict edicts of November 13, 1719, and December 10, 1720, are to remain valid […] and beggar-Jews are neither to be allowed to cross into border towns or pass through the land, but rather they are to be reported to the appropriate authorities. Those villages and towns/cities that do allow them to pass through knowingly, are to pay a fine without exception. […] A beggar who steals something worth more than 10 Reichtsthaler is to be punished with hard-labor (‘Festungsarbeit’) for the rest of his lives. […].” [Researcher’s note: *D. v. Danckelmann appears to have been the Chief/Executive Director of Taxation in the government of Magdeburg. The above mandate is several pages long and contains 17 paragraphs. It has been abbreviated here to fit the allocated space, but can be found in its entirely in the cited source.]
Repertorium der königlich Preußischen Landes-Gesetze. Ein neues Hülfsbuch für sämmtliche königliche Beamte, den Bürger und Landmann, enthaltend eine alphabetische Zusammenfassung aller Gegenstände der Gesetzgebung mit den darauf bezüglichen noch gültigen Verordnungen und Erläuterungen. Von Optatus Wilhelm Leopold Richter, königlich Preußischem Criminalrathe. IV Band. (Repertory of the royal Prussian land/local laws. A new aid-book for all royal officials, citizens and countrymen, containing an alphabetical summary of all the articles of legislations of the relevant regulations that are still valid and their elucidation. By Optatus Wilhelm Leopold Richter, Royal Prussian Criminal Council. IV Volume.); (Leipzig; 1834); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/4/2019 ADD PAGE #