Jun. 20, 1759

“Prohibition Against Purchase of Relics by Jews at Auction,” decree issued by the government of Lower Austria to the Magistrate of Vienna [Austria]: “Crucifixes, likenesses, holy relics and similar items worthy of worship are likely to be dishonored after being sold to the Jewdom; therefore, they may not be sold to the Jewdom. However, if these items are adorned with precious stones or framed in precious metals, they may be sold to the highest-bidding Jew, if and only after the sacred portion of the item in question has been removed from their adornment or frame. Should it be impossible to remove the likeness or relic from its frame or adornment without violating the sacred item, it shall be forbidden to sell and transfer that item to a Jew.”
Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien (1526-1847), Vol. I. A.F. Pribram. Vienna, 1918. p. 355. Accessed online; Translated by Dominik Jacobs 3/20/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION