Sept. 23, 1761

Rescript addressed to all Chambers of the Kurmarkt* issued by v. Boden and v. Borck** on behalf of Frederick II (‘Friderich’), King of Prussia [Present-day Germany etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews are not permitted to trade with wood […]; henceforth, Jews are not to be issued licenses for this purpose […]” [Researcher’s note: *Kurmark referred to the Imperial State held by the margraves of Brandenburg who had been awarded the ‘electoral dignity’ via the Golden Bull in 1356. ** von Boden and von Borck were Finance Ministers under Frederick II.]
Novum Corpus Constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium Praecipue Marchicarum, Oder Neue Sammlung Königl. Preußl. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgischer, sonderlich in der Chur- und Marck-Brandenburg, publicirten und ergangenen Ordnungen, Edicten, Mandaten, Rescripten, […] in 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769 und 1770 als der vierte Band. (New constitution of Prussia-Brandenburg, especially that of the Electorate of Kurmark; or new collection of the ordinances, edicts, mandates, and rescripts [issued] in Royal Prussian Brandenburg, especially, in the Electorate of Kurmark in 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769, and 1770 as the forth volume.); (Berlin; 1771); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/21/2020 ADD PAGE #