“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to to get married without the [explicit] permission of the local authorities (‘Landesstelle’) […]”
Politischer Codex, oder wesentliche Darstellung sämmtlicher, die k. k. Staaten betreffenden Gesetze und Anordnungen im politischen Fache. Praktisch bearbeitet von Ingaz de Luca, k. k. Rath und Professor. Dritter Band. (Wien; 1789); (Political codex or essential listing of all relevant laws and ordinances within the r[oyal] i[imperial] states/territories in the political field. Effectively edited by Ignaz de Luca, r[oyal] i[imperial] counsel and professor. Third Volume.); (Vienna; 1789); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/4/2019 ADD PAGE #