Sept. 15, 1771

“Ordinance” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from trading with fat cattle (‘Fettvieh’). […]” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was issued and revoked several times throughout history in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg. It was initially issued on May 8, 1700, then repeated on October 11 and 31, 1712. The cattle trade was permitted on June 8, 1713; prohibited October 24, 1748; permitted on October 10, 1771; prohibited on May 19, 1795, and March 15, 1796.]
Eckstein, Adolf (District Rabbi): Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen Fürstbistum Bamberg, bearbeitet auf Grund von Archivalien, nebst urkundlichen Beilagen, (History of the Jews in the Former Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, edited on the basis of archiving, together with documented supplements); (Bamberg; 1898); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/2018 ADD PAGE #