Mar. 30, 1772

“Ordinance” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews holding the proper passports/permits and their servants can continue to pursue their actual way of earning a living – peddling – as in the past; however, under the expressed condition that they must not — under any circumstances and under severe punishment – come in (contact) with [any] jugs and houses where illness may rage (‘daß sie bey schwerer Strafe nicht in diejenigen Krüge und Häuser einkehren, worin Krankeiten grassieren’).”
Repertorium der in den Herzogthum Mecklenburg-Strelitz geltenden Verordnungen. Herausgegeben von Kanzley-Rath von Kamptz zu Neustrelitz. (“Repertory of the valid/issued ordinances in the Duchy of Meckenburg-Strelitz. Edited by Legal Council of Kamptz of Neustrelitz.”); (Neubrandenburg; 1794); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/7/2018 ADD PAGE #