Oct. 15, 1773

“Ordinance” issued by the Government of Marburg [Present-day Germany; Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel]: “[…] 4) In order that debtor […] are not required to pay excessive interests (‘Douceurs’) as it has been done by the Jews until now […] We wish to set the rate of interest (‘Mäckelgeld’) at 2 per cent which we have decided and order herewith […] anyone who has the audacity to take too much from a debtor is to return the overcharged amount to him and pay the same amount to the local orphanage. […]”
Neue Sammlung der Landes-Ordnungen, Ausschreiben und anderen allgemeinen Verfügungen, welche bis zum Ende des Oktobers 1806 für die Gebietstheile Kurhessens ergangen sind. Vierter Band. Jahre 1785 bis 1806 einschlieslich. (“New collection of state/country ordinances, announcements, and other general regulations/decrees which have been issued for the territories of Kur-Hesse until the end of October 1806 inclusive.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/4/2018 ADD PAGE #