Jul. 3, 1786

“Ordinance” issued in Bohemia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Since one has discovered incomprehensible abuse among the Jewish Nation in terms of the preservation of human life, [by which] the dead were buried the same day – often only a few hours after death – a practice which is an evil interpretation of their laws and is only based on a certain kind of superstition – which could have harrowing consequences, […] that is why no Jew can be buried before 48 hours have passed, and if an extra-ordinary case makes this necessary, an exact examination by the legal-chief-physician (‘Kreisphysikus’) must occur first. The local authorities (‘Kreisämter’) must not only inform all the authorities (‘Obrigkeiten’) but also oversee this prohibition so that it is observed at all times and that it’s not violated under inconsequential pretexts.”
Oesterreichs Staatsverfassung vereinbart mit den zusammengezogenen bestehenden Gesetzen, zum Gebrauche der Staatsbeamten, Advokaten, Dekonomen, Obrigkeiten, Magistrate  Geistliche, Bürger und Bauern, zum Unterricht, für angehende Geschäftsmänner von Joseph Kropatschek, k. k. wirk. Hofkonzipisten, und öffentlichen Lehrer der Gesetzkunde und Kreisamtspraxis bei der k. k. Arzieren Leibgarde gallizischer Abteilung. Zweiter Band. (Wien); (“Austria’s state constitution united and merged with existing laws, for use by civil servants, lawyers, clergymen, magistrates, local-authorities, citizens, and peasants, for class [purpose of teaching], for budding businessmen by Joseph Kropatschek, r[oyal] i[imperil] Conceptionist and public teacher of law and a praxis/office at the Kreisamt [state offices] in the department of the r[oyal] i[imperil] […] Royal Guard of Galicia. Second Volume.”); (Vienna); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/17/2013 ADD PAGE #