Aug. 14, 1786

“Gubernatorial Ordinance” (‘Gubernialverordnung’) for Bohemia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Firstly: Since Jews live together in large families, and since a dead body lying there for 48 hours could start to rot and cause infections; and secondly, [because] they are prohibited to bury their dead on the Sabbath or other holy day, which would mean that the dead would remain unburied past the determined time […] In order to avoid such cases, it is permitted that the deadline can be shortened to in certain places where […] where the local-chief-physician (‘Kreisphysikus’), or in his absence, the closest state-wound-doctor (‘Landwundarzt’) can be called (and consulted) [regarding on the cause of death etc.].  However, it goes without saying that all abuse is to be restricted and [this exception is] only to be applied, if there exist real danger and if the certificate of a wound-doctor (‘Wundarztes’) requiring a quick burial is presented to the authorities.”
Oesterreichs Staatsverfassung vereinbart mit den zusammengezogenen bestehenden Gesetzen, zum Gebrauche der Staatsbeamten, Advokaten, Dekonomen, Obrigkeiten, Magistrate  Geistliche, Bürger und Bauern, zum Unterricht, für angehende Geschäftsmänner von Joseph Kropatschek, k. k. wirk. Hofkonzipisten, und öffentlichen Lehrer der Gesetzkunde und Kreisamtspraxis bei der k. k. Arzieren Leibgarde gallizischer Abteilung. Zweiter Band. (Wien); (Austria’s state constitution united and merged with existing laws, for use by civil servants, lawyers, clergymen, magistrates, local-authorities, citizens, and peasants, for class [purpose of teaching], for budding businessmen by Joseph Kropatschek, r[oyal] i[imperil] Conceptionist and public teacher of law and a praxis/office at the Kreisamt [state offices] in the department of the r[oyal] i[imperil] […] Royal Guard of Galicia. Second Volume. (Vienna); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/17/2013 ADD PAGE #