Sept. 21, 1786

“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian government [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Jewish tobacco-traffickers/traders (‘Tabak-Trafikanten’) are strictly prohibited to trade with any other items/merchandize [except tobacco] or face confiscation [of the items].”
Polizeyliche Gesetzkunde für das Königreich Böhmen; enthaltend sämmtliche bis Ende 1828 für Böhmen ergangene Polizey- und sonstige hierauf Bezug nehmende Gesetze und Anordnungen, nach bestimmten Schlagwörtern alphabetisch geordnet. Von Vinzenz Schahay, k. k. Polizeybeamten. (Prag; 1830); (System of Policing laws for the Kingdom of Bohemia; contains all policing laws issued for Bohemia until the end of 1828, as well as other related laws and orders, arranged alphabetically and according to specific keywords. By Vinzenz Schahay, r[oyal] i[mperial] police officer.); (Prague; 1830); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/10/2020 ADD PAGE #