Jun. 4, 1787

“Patent of Peddling” issued by the Court Council (“Hofkanzlei”) [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany]: “[…] In regards to the sales of goods, which happen from house-to-house, or the so-called peddling, we find it necessary to establish the following: […] 2) The Jew exclusively can only be permitted to peddle in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. 11) However, this permission for Bohemian Jews cannot be transferred to Jews in Austria(n lands) who are still prohibited from peddling […].”
Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik; LXXXII; Untersuchungen über die Lage des Hausiergewerbes in Österreich; (Leibzig, 1899); (“Writings/Documents of the Association of Social Policy/Social Politics; Volume 82, Investigations in Regards to […] Peddling in Austria”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/20/2017 ADD PAGE #