Jan. 16, 1789

“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] citizenship cannot be granted to foreigners who do not wish to settle in the hereditary lands just as they cannot be granted to Jews. […]”
Politischer Coder. Dreizehnter Band. Josephinische Gesetze von 1789 bis 20 Febr. 1790. U. D. Politischer Coder, oder wesentliche Darstellung sämmtlicher, die k. k. Staaten betreffende Gesetze, und Verordnungen im politischen Fache. Practisch bearbeitet von Ignaz de Luca, k. k. Rath and Professor an der hiesigen Universität. Dreizehnter Band. Mit allerhöchster Genehmigung; (Wien; 1794); (‘Political Coder. Thirteenth volume. Law of Joseph from 1789 to Feb. 20, 1790. U. D. Political coder, or essential representation of all r[oyal] i[mperial] laws and regulation in the political field. Edited for practicality by Iganz de Luca, r[oyal] i[mperail] council and professor at the local University. Thirteenth volume. [Printed] with the royal permission); (Vienna; 1794); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/17/2018 ADD PAGE #