Jan. 13, 1800

“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; House of Habsburg-Lorraine]: “[…] A second-born Jew, who comes in (to apply) for the preservation/continuation of a family*, must at all times [be able to] provide proper evidence that he is indeed a second-born, because merely the claim of the applicant cannot be taken into consideration.” [Researcher’s note: *Most localities had a pre-determined “number of spots” called “Familienstellen” which could be assigned to Jews. This number could not be surpassed. When Jews (sons) wanted to get married, they were required to apply for their own ‘spot.’ Often, the spot was granted to the first born after his father’s death while second or third-born sons had to either apply and be granted their own spot or leave the country.]
Auszug aller im Königreiche Böhmen bestehenden Verordnungen und Gesetze nach Johann Roths Advokaten und Justiziärs der k. k. Staatsherrschaften Kotieschau and Kladrau, unter buchstäblichen gereihten Aufschriften der Gegenstände nach der Zeitfolge verfassten Sammlung neu aufgelegt, verbessert und vermehrt durch Johann Blaseck, k. k. Rath, Unterthansadvokaten und Fiskaladjunkten im Königreiche Böhmen. Fünfter Theil. Von Gef bis kirsch.; (Prag; 1817); (Abstracts of all existing regulations and laws in the Kingdom of Bohemia according to Johann Roth’s, advocate/attorney and justice/council of the r[oyal] i[mperial] sovereignties [Chotieschau] and Kladruby, newly reissued collection in alphabetical and chronological order, improved and augmented by Johann Blaseck, r[oyal] i[mperial] council of subjects (prosecutor) and fiscal adjunct in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Fifth part. From Gef to kirsch); (Prague; 1817); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/16/2019 ADD PAGE #