Sept. 1, 1801

“Patent” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; House of Habsburg-Lorraine]: “All locally (in the country) produced nitrate/saltpeter (‘Salpeter’) is state-owned property and can only be excavated with the permission of the same (state) and manufactured into gunpowder. […] Permission shall be granted to anyone who is capable [to excavate saltpeter or to manufacture gunpowder], except to Jews. […] The sale of saltpeter is only to be permitted to all who hold permits from the main office […] except Jews. […].”
Österreichische Zeitschrift für innere Verwaltung. Unter verantwortlicher Redaction von Dr. Moriz von Stubenrauch. Zweiter Jahrgang. 1857. (Wien); (Austrian journal/magazine/collection regarding internal administration. Under the responsible editorial staff of Dr. Moriz von Stubenrauch. Second edition. 1857. (Vienna)); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/16/2019 ADD PAGE #