Oct. 23, 1801

Regulation ‘foreign in East Galicia incoming Jews’ issued by the Eastern Galician Guberniia (province) [Present-day Poland and Ukraine]: To secure the land against the slipping in of foreign Jews the following laws should be followed strictly: “[…] Each foreign Jew, who is staying longer in the capital or in a county than his permit allows, is just as if he had no passport or no permission at all and thus has to be expelled from the country immediately.”
Sr. k.k. Majestät Franz des zweyten politische Gesetze und Verordnungen für die Oesterreichischen, Böhmischen und Galizischen Erbländer, 1801 [His Majesty King Francis II. Political Laws and Regulations for the Austrian, Czech and Galician Dominions], page 166f. Researched by Franziska Wagener 10/2016