Mar. 19, 1804

“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] it is to be ensured that in the family-lists of the tolerated Jews, […] there are not an excessive number of servants listed or other fraud[ulant activities] or abuses are given room [to exist]. […]”
Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal State; published by Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Earl of Barth-Barthenheim); (Volume I); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/14/2017 ADD PAGE #