Dec. 9, 1804

“Statute Concerning the Organization of the Jews” issued by Tzar Alexander I [Russia]: “…7. After six years have expired since the publication of this regulation, all bookkeeping and other merchant’s documentation and correspondence between Jews must be written in one of these languages: Russian, Polish or German, or contain a translation on one side [of the page]…16. Jews can rent land from landlords…However, they are prohibited from selling wine under any circumstances. Jews who settle on landlords’ land voluntarily will be freed from government taxation after 5 years. This benefit applies only on Jews settled by their own settlement…28 ….Jews…temporarily traveling outside of the Pale, have to wear German [style] dress …If they wear traditional dress, they shall be sent back [to the Pale] by the Police…30. All Jews in Russia must be enlisted with an estate. Any Jews who cannot provide the required written document will be treated as a vagabond with all severity of the law…33. Beginning in January 1, 1807, no Jew in the big or small villages of the Gubernias … beginning in January 1, 1808, can keep any leases, taverns, or inns under their own or somebody else’s name nor sell their alcohol nor even live there…36. A Jew convicted in such a sale will pay …and in third time will be exiled to Siberia…38. All debts that peasants and other people owe in taverns, etc. kept by Jews, are void without compensation…41. In the towns and places Jews have never been allowed to sell alcohol on credit to local people, and any of their debts in this matter are void. …”
“1804 Russian set of laws concerning Jews; Statute Concerning the Organization of the Jews.” Vitaly Charny, Risa Heywood, Laura Benaminson & Edward Rosenbaum. Accessed online 9/29/2011 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE