Aug. 30, 1805

“Regarding Jews trading on annual markets” issued by Maximilian [Present-day Germany; Prince-Electorate of Bavaria]: “In response to the inquiry of Our Bavarian State Director […] whether it should be permitted to Jews via a Patent to visit the annual markets in Bavaria, We respond: Jews shall, in accordance to the ordinance of April 17, of the previous year, be free to visit the eight biggest public markets in Bavaria by presenting a permit from the authorities; however, they shall still be prohibited from visiting the smaller markets. […]”
Sammlung der im Gebiete der inneren Staats-Verwaltung des Königreichs Bayern bestehenden Verordnungen aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft und systematisch geordnet von G. Döllinger, König. bayer. geheimen Hausarchivar und wirklichen Rath. Sechste Band; (München; 1838); (Collection of Regulations/Ordinances Existing in the Territories of the Internal State Administration of the Kingdom of Bavaria from official sources and systematically arranged by G. Döllinger, Royal Bavarian Secret House-Archivist and True Advisor; Volume VI), (Munich; 1838); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/21/2019 ADD PAGE #