Feb. 11, 1810

“General Ordinance, Regarding the Establishment of New Orphanages, Penitentiaries and Madhouses in the Kingdom,” issued by Frederick I, Duke of Württemberg [Present-day Germany]: “Art. 13 – For the orphanages and penitentiaries, We decree the following taxes, to be collected uniformly throughout the kingdom: […] (3) Upon their acceptance as burgher, from every new burgher, 1 guilder; from a burgheress, 30 kreuzers; and from a child, 15 kreuzers. (4) From every protected Jew, 2 guilders annually.” [Researcher’s note: Until 1833, Jewish orphans were excluded from all orphanages in Württemberg.]

Reyscher, August Ludwig (ed.). Vollständige, historisch und kritisch bearbeitete Sammlung der württembergischen Gesetze (Complete, Historically and Critically Edited Collection of Württemberg Laws). Vol. 11. Fues: Tübingen, 1839. Page 201. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/20/2020