Aug. 14, 1810

“Territorial-Lord Ordinance” issued by Frederich Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (‘Landesherrliche Verordnung’) [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “[…] henceforth, protected-Jews are only to be permitted to hire native servants who can prove that they were born in Our lands, or those who have served a local/native protected-Jews for at least three years and […] who [protected-Jew] can vouch for their solid performance […].”
Repertorium der in das Gebiet der Fremdenpolizei einschlagenden, im Großherzogthum Mecklenburg-Schwerin geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften über Paßwesen, Verfahren gegen Landstreicher und Bettler, Staats- Und Ortsangehörigkeit, Auslieferung von Verbrechen, Auswanderung, Gewerbebetrieb im Umherziehen u.s.w. Für den Handgebrauch der Ortsobrigkeiten und Polizeibeamten bearbeitet von Carl August Ackermann. (“Repertory of applicable legal regulations in the area foreign-policing in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin regarding passports, procedures against tramp and beggars, state and local citizenship, extradition for crimes, emigration, business enterprise when moving etc. For the direct use of the local authorities and police-officers edited by Carl August Ackermann”); (Schwerin; 1857); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/26/2019 ADD PAGE #