Dec. 6, 1810

“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “Continuation of the Paternal Power of a Baptized Jewish Father over his Jewish Children. Under no circumstances is the parental right of the father over his children, who refuse to be baptized, suspended, as long as the father is the legal custodian of the children according to current civic laws. […]” [Researcher’s note: This decree was made public via a governmental circular on December 27, 1810. It ultimately granted a baptized father of the Jewish family the right to baptize his children as well – even against their will – if he so chose.]
Politische Verfassung der Israeliten im Lande unter der Enns und insbesondere in der k. k. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien. J. L. E. Graf von Barth-Barthenheim. (Wien; 1821). (Political Constitution of the Israelis in the Country under/near Enns and especially in the R[oyal] I[mperial] Capital and Royal Seat of Vienna. J. L. E. Count von Barth-Barthenheim.); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/21/2018 ADD PAGE #