Sept. 13, 1811

“Gubernatorial Ordinance” (‘Gubernialverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Since according to the Patent of August 3, 1797, Jews who wish to get married must prove to have assets of at least 300 fl. [Gulden] on the countryside and 500 fl. [Gulden] in the city of Prague […] it is brought to the attention of the officers and the magistrate [….] that in the future, Jews applying for marriage-licenses must make sure that the betrothed also include a certificate of their assets in Viennese currency. […]”
Fortsetzung der von Johann Roth verfassten Sammlung aller in dem Königreiche Böhmen kundgemachten Gesetze und Verordnungen im alphabetischer Ordnung gereicht. Die Gesetze und Verordnungen vom Jaren 1802 bis Ende des Jahres 1818 sich fassend. Neu aufgelegt, verbessert und vermehrt durch Johann Kanka, J. U. D. und beeideten Landesadvokaten im Königreiche Böhmen. Neunter Teil. (Prag; 1821)’ (“Continuation of Johann Roth’s Collection of all Laws and Ordinances Promulgated in the Kingdom of Bohemia from 1802 until the end of 1818 inclusive. Neu edition, improved and added to/supplemented by Johann Kanka, J. D., sworn state attorney in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Ninth Volume.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/13/2018 ADD PAGE #