Dec. 31, 1811

“Rescript” issued by King Maximilian I of Bavaria and published by the Royal General-Commissionaire of the District of Retzat [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. His Royal Majesty has issued a decree on December 31 of the previous year, regarding the trade of Jews on Sundays and holy-days: 1) On the most holiest of feasts/festivals, to which the Day of Prayer and Repentance* and the harvest-festival (‘Erndtefest’) belong, all trade between Jews and Christians is prohibited; 2) On Sundays and holidays, Jews are prohibited to engage in any other kind of trade interaction with Christians […] The prohibition to trade with cattle on such days that are outside of the public markets and their [pre-set] hours, are to be especially heeded. 4) Haggling, which diminishes the dignity of the Christian Sunday and holiday, done either by local Jews or those living outside [of the district] is to be prohibited on such days. By announcing this highest ordinance in the district’s Intelligenzblatt (newspaper), all police-authorities of the district of Rezat are given the order, to watch over this ordinance, and to follow/enforce them in all of its points. […].” [Researcher’s note: ‘The Day of Prayer and Repentance’ (‘Buß- und Bettag’) is still an important public holiday in Germany and falls on the first of Advent. This rescript was published in a newspaper in the district of Razat on Wednesday, February 26, 1812.]
Intelligenzblatt des Rezat-Kreises. I. Stück. Ansbach, Mittwoch den 8. Januar 1812 (“Intelligence-Paper of the District of Razat.  1. Piece. Ansbach (City), Wednesday January 8, 1812”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/30/2018 ADD PAGE #