Feb. 7, 1812

“Court Decree” issued by the Court of Emperor Francis II (Franz Joseph II) [Present-day Czech Republic and Germany]: “If a Jew wants to marry, the groom must be already 18 years old and the bride 15 years old. […] in order to request permission to marry, the petitioner shall present a certificate from the authorities (‘Obrigkeit’) in which 1) his assets are listed and 2) […] a confirmation is rendered that the fixed number of family-spots in his community will not be exceeded with this marriage. 3) He shall present proof of schooling (‘Schulzeugnis’) which shall be issued by the teacher from whom he has received his schooling, and if that is not possible, then his competency shall be tested in the presence of a Christian court person (‘Gerichtsperson’) 4) […] he shall present the certificate of circumcision and birth which was issued by the Rabbi of the community and was seen and confirmed by the Office of Economy (‘Wirtschaftsamt’) […].  A Rabbi who issues a false circumcision and birth certificate shall be expelled from the country. […]”
Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens und Schlesiens, vorzüglich in politischer Hinsicht. Zweiter Band; (Brünn, 1844); (Dr. Joh. Lutsche’s Weiland Imper[ial], Moravia[n], Silesia[n] Council of Appellations, Special Rights of Persons of Moravia and Silesia, especially in political terms. Vol. II); (Brünn; 1844); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/29/2017 ADD PAGE #