Feb. 13, 1812

“Order” issued by Freiherr* von Dörnberg, Royal-General-Commissioner of the District of Retzat on behalf of his Majesty, the King of Bavaria [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “In the name of His Majesty, the King of Bavaria […] His royal majesty have deigned to order the following via the supreme rescript of December 31 of the previous year in regards to the trade of Jews on Sundays and holidays: 1) During the high/important festivals, which include the Day of Repentance and Prayer (‘Buß- und Bettag’) and Harvest-festival, Jews are prohibited from trading with Christians; 2) On Sundays and holidays, Jews are prohibited from engaging in any kind of trade with Christians, except 2) on public markets, if such are scheduled by the local authorities on those days, and are open to Jewish traders/businessmen, b) in appropriate (legal) stores and shops wherever they may be, c) in both places and at the same time and in the same manner after church service, just as it is legally prescribed/regulated (by the police) to Christians. Especially, the selling of cattle – except on public markets is to be strictly avoided on such days. In order to preserve the dignity of Sundays and holidays, haggling (‘Schachern’) is prohibited to local and foreign Jews [on those days. […]” [Researcher’s note: A “Freiherr” (male) or “Freifrau” (literally free lords or free lady respectively) were titles of nobility in German speaking territories within the Holy Roman Empire. This order was published in the Intelligenz-Blatt on Wednesday, February 26, 1812.]
Intelligenz-Blatt des Rezat-Kreises. VIII. Stück. Ausbach, Mittwoch den February 26, 1812. (“Intelligence-[News]Paper of the District of Rezat. VIII. Piece/Part. Ansbach, Wednesday, February 26, 1812.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/1/2019 ADD PAGE #