Mar. 20, 1812

“Ordinance” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis II [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “[…] Jews, who engage in trade (‘Handel’) are to immediately cease this practice; those who possess a paddling-permission (‘Hausierpass’) and a Certificate of Trading-Permission (‘Handlungslegitimazionsschein’) shall have them confiscated – without further ado – and destroyed. Moreover – it is prohibited to issue a Jew who has been permitted to farm or to engage in other work a peddling-pass or any other Certificate to pursue trade (‘Handlungslegimitazionsschein’).”
Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausir-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. Königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt on Friedrich Selner (“Systematic Representation of all Imperial Royal Austrian Laws and Ordinances regarding Peddling written/compiled by Friedrich Selner”; (1847); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/5/2017 ADD PAGE #