Sept. 1, 1818

“Community Election/Voting Regulations” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “Voting Rights and Eligibility of Jews during Community Election. In order to eliminate any consequences of improper application of the 3rd and 10th article of the Community Election/Voting Regulation of August 5, 1818 […] it is brought to attention that Jews who engage in emergency/crisis/plight trade or in haggling (‘Noth- oder Schacher-Handel’) cannot be elected to become electors, authorized representatives/plenipotentiary or as members of the local government (‘Gemeindeverwaltung’).” [Researcher’s note: “Not[h]-Handel’ and especially the term ‘Schacher-Handel’ have both a negative connotation, referring to an act in which someone is driven by petty greed to gain the greatest advantage possible by negotiating prices in all business transactions.]
Die Verfassung und Verwaltung der Gemeinden in Baiern nach dem Edikte über das Gemeinde-Wesen nebst den darauf bezüglichen Regulativen und Verordnungen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Gebrauch für städtische Beamte und Gemeinde-Vorsteher zusammengestellt von Georg Döllinger. Erster Teil. (München; 1819); (The Constitution and Administration of Communities in Bavaria after the Edict regarding the [people of the] community with special consideration for the use of municipal officials and community leaders compiled by Georg Döllinger. First part.) (Munich; 1819); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/3/2018 ADD PAGE #