Feb. 28, 1823

“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery (‘Hofkanzlei-Decret’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] No businessman/individual is prohibited from reversing his business (putting it behind himself) and applying himself to another business or capacity of a different kind […] except widows of tolerated Israelis [for whom] this [practice] is unlawful. […]”
Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung zusammengestellt mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht auf Nieder-Oesterreich, von Chrysostomus Fauller, k. k. Polizei-Beamten. Zweiter Band. (Wien; 1828); (Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations for the Police-Administration in the Austrian Empire. Published between the years 1740 – 1825 and Arranged in alphabetical-chronological order with special consideration to Lower Austria by Chrysostomus Fauller, r[oyal] i[mperial] Police Officials/Authorities/Officers. Second Volume.); (Vienna; 1828); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/16/2018 ADD PAGE #