Aug. 20, 1826

Order issued by Pope Leo XIII [Present-day Spain]: “His holiness [Leo XIII]…after having over the past year given the opportune orders for the return of all the Jews to the Ghetto…has recently prescribed the following further orders so that the Jews…not leave the Ghettos and go wandering about without any license as they had been doing before…Beginning this August 20 [1826], no Jew living in the Rome Ghetto will be able to leave, even for a single day, if he does not have a written permit…from our Criminal Tribunal which gives legitimate grounds for his absence…while they are away from the Ghetto, the Jews shall not be allowed to live or converse in a familiar way with Christian.”
“The Popes Against The Jews; The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism.” David I. Kertzer. 2001, Page 66-67 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE