Aug. 17, 1827

“Rescript of the Royal Ministry of the Interior addressed to the Royal government of Magdeburg” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] the positions of the auction-commissioners (‘Auktionskommissarien’) are part of the state-offices, and therefore, cannot be transferred to those of the Jewish faith.”
Heinemann, Jeremiah: Sammlung der die religiöse und bürgerliche Verfassung der Juden in den königlich Preussischen Staaten betreffenden Gesetze, Verordnungen, Gutachten, Berichte und Erkenntnisse (Collection of laws, ordinances, evaluations, reports, and findings regarding the religious and civil Constitution of Jews in the Prussian States). (Berlin, 1835); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/3/2020