Mar. 20, 1828

“Royal Decree” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis II [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “[…] The believers of the Israeli Religion are prohibited to peddle church vessels, Parments*, crucifixes, pictures of saints, or any item, which are used by the Catholic church during its services, or on the markets or flea-markets or junk-stalls or to purchase them in auctions.” [Researcher’s note: *Parments are liturgical robes and textiles, which are used during church services to furnish the place of worship.]
Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausir-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. Königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt on Friedrich Selner (“Systematic Representation of all Imperial Royal Austrian Laws and Ordinances regarding Peddling written/compiled by Friedrich Selner”; (1847); Researched and Translated 7/8/2017 ADD PAGE #