Apr. 27, 1830

Decree, issued by the Austrian Court-Chancellery to the state government of Moravia-Silesia [Present-day Czech Republic]: “By way of a resolution on April 13, 1830, the imperial-royal Common Court Chamber has reminded the tax office of Moravia-Silesia, that in the future, Jews are not to be allowed to lease any objects that are subject to restaurant taxes, but that those Israelites who are operating such businesses, which are subjected to the restaurant tax, nevertheless retain the right to correspond and negotiate with the tax office, regarding the payment of their levies.”
Kropatschek, Joseph. Sammlung der Gesetze, Ein und dreissigster Fortsetzungsband (Collection of the Laws, Vol. XXXI). Mösle & Braumüller: Vienna, 1832. Page 253. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 2/16/2020