Jan. 23, 1833

“Ministerial Ordinance” issued by the Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The claim that the practice of peddling is necessary for the livelihood/survival of a Jew, must be proven [beyond doubt].” [Researcher’s note: This order was reissued on February 12, 1833. It was an attempt by the government to reduce or eliminate the number of Jews who petitioned for a peddling license on the fact that they were otherwise unable to make a living.]
Repertorium über die in den Intelligenzblättern für den vormaligen Regenskreis, nun von der Oberpfalz und von Regensburg, vom Jahre 1814 bis 1814 inclusive erschienenen allerhöchsten königlichen Verordnungen, Ministerial Reskripte, Regierungs- und Appelationsgerichts-Entschließungen und Ausschreibungen, Bekanntmachungen und Nachrichten von allgemeinem und besonderem Intresse […] in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung und imAuszuge ihres wesentlichen Inhaltes hergestellt von Mathias Stangl; (München, 1842); (Official District Gazettes; Repertorium regarding all Issued Intelligence Reports of the former Regenkreis – now Upper-Palatinate and Regensburg – from 1814-1841 (included) of the Supreme Royal Ordinances, Ministerial Edicts, Government and Appeal Courts, Decisions and Renderings, Announcements and News of General and Special Interest in Alphabetic-Chronological Order and Their Most Essential Content. Produced by Mathias Stangl, Royal Assessor of the District Court for Roding in the Upper Palatinate.); (Munich; 1842); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/1/2017 ADD PAGE #