Jan. 26, 1839

“Government Decision” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The peddling, emergency, and haggling practices of Jews who have already resided here since June 10, 1813, can be authorized by the responsible local authorities […] however, the issued patent (permit) is only valid for one year and can only be used by the owner of such permit and only in situations of continuous inevitable obstacles – such as long-lasting illness – can it be used by a substitute. The peddling-patent is to be presented to any police authority upon request. If the peddler is carrying any other goods than stated in the patent, or if he oversteps his district, he is to be punished according to the ordinance of December 31, 1813 and to be returned home. The punishment that was bestowed is to be noted on the peddling-permit and to be reported to the home authorities. […]”
Repertorium über die in den Intelligenzblättern für den vormaligen Regenskreis, nun von der Oberpfalz und von Regensburg, vom Jahre 1814 bis 1814 inclusive erschienenen allerhöchsten königlichen Verordnungen, Ministerial Reskripte, Regierungs- und Appelationsgerichts-Entschließungen und Ausschreibungen, Bekanntmachungen und Nachrichten von allgemeinem und besonderem Intresse […] in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung und imAuszuge ihres wesentlichen Inhaltes hergestellt von Mathias Stangl; (München, 1842); (Official District Gazettes; Repertorium regarding all Issued Intelligence Reports of the former Regenkreis – now Upper-Palatinate and Regensburg – from 1814-1841 (included) of the Supreme Royal Ordinances, Ministerial Edicts, Government and Appeal Courts, Decisions and Renderings, Announcements and News of General and Special Interest in Alphabetic-Chronological Order and Their Most Essential Content. Produced by Mathias Stangl, Royal Assessor of the District Court for Roding in the Upper Palatinate.); (Munich; 1842); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/2/2017 ADD PAGE #