Apr. 15, 1847

“Law” issued by King Ernst August of Hannover [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Hannover]: “Ernst August, King of Hannover by the grace of God, royal prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Cumberland and Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg […] In reference to the law of September 30, 1812, regarding the legal standing of Jews [… [w]e decree […] the following: 1) In order to eliminate any doubt, it is declared that […] Jews shall not be able to transfer their claims from one Christian to another […] and contracts between Jews and Christians must be entered before the authorities […] 4) Jews are permitted to purchase a house with 1 1/4 morgen* land. The acquirement of more than one house and more than 1 1/4 morgen is prohibited to Jews, except if possibly granted a special permission (‘Dispensation’).  […]”
[Researcher’s note: This edict was published in Hannover on April 24, 1847, and contains a number of pro-Jewish paragraphs too. *A morgen was a unit of measurement used in Germany, Netherlands, Poland and the Dutch colonies and varied from 1/2 to 2 1/2 acres – which is about 0.2 – 1 hectare.]
Sammlung der Gesetze, Verordnungen und Ausschreiben für das Königreich Hannover, vom Jahre 1847. (Collection of laws, ordinances, and circulars/announcements for the Kingdom of Hannover from the year 1847); (Hannover; 1847); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/15/2019 ADD PAGE #