Apr. 1, 1933

“Decree of April 1, 1933 regarding the exercise of the Calling of notary” issued by the Third Reich [Germany]: “Maintenance of public order and security will be exposed to serious danger if Germans are still liable to be served with documents in legal proceedings which have been drawn up or certified by Jewish notaries. I accordingly ask that Jewish notaries be urgently advised in their own interests to refrain until further notice from exercising their calling. In this connection the attention of notaries should be drawn to the fact that, should they refuse to comply with this recommendation, they will expose themselves to serious dangers in view of the excited state of public opinion. Notaries should be recommended to inform the competent presidents of provincial courts that they will refrain from exercising their calling pending the issue of further regulations regarding conditions applying to notaries.”
“The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 4 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE