Apr. 26, 1938

“Decree for the Reporting of Jewish Owned Property” issued by Minister of Economy Hermann Goering [Germany]: “Decree for the Reporting of Jewish Owned Property of 26 April 1938…the following Is hereby decreed: Article 1 1. Every Jew (Article 5 of the First Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935…) shall report and evaluate in accordance with the following instructions his entire domestic and foreign property and estate on the day when this decree goes into force. Jews of foreign citizenship shall report and evaluate only their domestic property. 2. The duty to report holds likewise for the non-Jewish marital partner of a Jew. 3. Every reporting person’s property must be given separately. … Berlin, 26 April 1938 The Deputy for the Four Year Plan Goering General Field Marshal The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick.”
“Anti-Semitic Legislation; Decree for reporting Jewish owned property…” Axishistory.com, No author. Accessed online 7/15/2011 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE