Nov. 21, 1938

Royal Decree – November 21, 1938-XVII, no. 2154 Amendments to the statute of the National Fascist Party [Italy]: “… Sole Article Article. 8 of the Statute of the National Fascist Party, approved by Decree R-XVI April 28, 1938, n. 513, is replaced by the following: ‘The Italian citizenship is a necessary condition for membership in the PNF ‘They can not be enrolled in the PNF Italian citizens, in accordance with the law, are considered Jewish race. … Given in Rome, this day of November 21, 1938-XVII Victor Emmanuel Mussolini … Acts of the Government, the register 406, sheet 35. – Mancini.” [Editor’s note: Google translated from Italian on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy,” CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online 8/26/2015 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE