Mar. 3, 1939

Ordinance Regarding the Extension of the Deadline for Surrender of Jewels and Precious Metal Items by Jews [Germany]: “– In accordance with Section 3 of the Third Decree following the Ordinance Regarding the Registration of Jewish Estates (February 21, 1939, RGBl. Part I, p. 282), the following is hereby ordered: § 1 – The deadline for the surrender of items made of gold, platinum or silver, as well as precious stones and pearls, given in Section 1 of the Third Decree following the Ordinance Regarding the Registration of Jewish Estates (February 21, 1939, RGBl. Part I, p. 282), is extended until March 31, 1939. § 2 – This ordinance is effective as of the day of its promulgation. – Berlin, March 3, 1939, signing for the Undersecretary, the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr. [Heinrich] Koehler.”
Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt, 1939, Part I, p. 387, Translated by Dominik Jacobs ADD DATE