Mar. 25, 1939

“Second Execution Order to the Law on the Hitler Youth” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “On the basis of Article 4 of the law for the Hitler Youth of 1 December 1936 (RGBl I, page 993), I order… 7 Racial Requirements Jews (Article 5 of the 1st proclamation to the law of Reich citizenship of 14 November 1935, RGBl I, page 1333) are excluded from the membership of the Hitler Youth…Berlin, 25 March 1939 The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler The Deputy of the Fuehrer R. Hess The Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellery Dr. Lammers.”
“Second Execution Order to the Law on the Hitler Youth (‘Youth Service Regulation’) (March 25, 1939)” No author,; Accessed online 9/12/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE