ca. 1939

[Possible/Probable] “Act IV of 1939” issued by Hungarian government [Hungary] 
Commentary from other sources:
1) “Act IV of 1939, the second Jewish law, was detailed and draconian, and I only summarize it here. First, it revived a racial definition of Jewishness, though with some narrow provision for some Christian converts. Second, it lowered the maximum representation in the professions from 20 percent (in the first Jewish law) to 6 percent, the estimated Jewish proportion in the population. Third, it expanded the number of sectors where discrimination was legalized, which now included, among others, land holding, licenses for trade, and salaries. Fourth, unlike previous legislation, it introduced outright exclusions. Jews whose families had immigrated to Hungary after 1867 no longer had the right to vote or serve in parliament. Jews could no longer serve in the upper house of parliament unless it was as one of the designated representatives of the Jewish community. They could no longer serve as editors, publishers or directors, except for exclusively Jewish publications. Finally, the law added provisions for the protection of ‘national’ property in anticipation of Jewish emigration.”

Wittenberg, Jason: “International Influences on anti-Jewish Legislation in Interwar Hungary.”; p. 8.
2) “A year later [1939], a more far-reaching anti-Jewish law was passed, defining the status of Jews, barring them from leading positions in the media, prohibiting the issuance of new trade licenses to them or the renewal of old ones. The law also barred further admission of Jews to the professions until their share fell to below 6 percent. It authorized the government to expropriate, with compensation, Jewish landed property. Jews could no longer acquire Hungarian citizenship by naturalization, marriage, or adoption. Voting rights of nonnative Jews or those whose forebears were not permanently resident before 1868 were canceled.”
Dawidowicz, Lucy S.: “The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945.” (1975) Online book; p. 462
3) “…a person is to be regarded as Jewish, If he or she, or at least one of the parents, or at least two of the grandparents were members of the Israelite denomination before the coming into force of the present Law.”
Molnar, Judit: “Gendarmes, Policemen, Functionaries and the Jews-New Findings on the Behavior of
Hungarian Authorities During the Holocaust.”