Jun. 29, 1939

Law – 29 June 1939-XVII, no. 1054 Discipline of the exercise of professions by citizens of Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The exercise of the profession of journalist, doctor-surgeon, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon, midwife, lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, operator in business administration, accountant, engineer, architect, chemist, agronomist, surveyor, agricultural, industrial expert is, for citizens belonging to the Jewish race, governed by the following provisions. Art. 2 Italian citizens of Jewish race is prohibited from exercising the profession of notary. Italian citizens of Jewish race discrimination it is not prohibited from practicing as a journalist. As for the teaching profession private, remain in force the provisions of Articles 1 and 7 of the Royal Decree-Law of 15 November 1938-XVII, no. 1779. … Victor Emmanuel Mussolini – Starace – Solmi -” [Editor’s note: Google translated from Italian on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy,CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online 8/26/2015 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE