Oct. 4, 1940

“An Act relating to aliens of Jewish race” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “We, Marshal of France, French head of state, The Cabinet heard, Decree: Article 1. – Foreign citizens of Jewish race may at the date of enactment of this Act, be interned in special camps by decision of the prefect of the department of residence. Art. 2. – It is made…with the secretary of state within a committee of the organization and administration of these camps. This fee includes: An Inspector General Administrative Services, the Police Director Planning and foreigners, or his representative; A representative of the Ministry of Finance. Art. 3. – Foreign citizens of Jewish race may at any time be assigned to assigned residence by the prefect of their residence. Art. 4. – This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette to be seen as state law. Done at Vichy, October 4, 1940. Ph. PETAIN…” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 5/31/2012 to change text to English.]
“Loi sur les ressortissants etrangers de race juive.” No author, Accessed online 5/31/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE