Mar. 29, 1941

Act of March 29, 1941 issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “It is created for the entire national territory a General Commissariat for Jewish Questions: It: 1. Prepares and proposes to all Head of State legislation on the state of the Jews. 2. Fix the date of the liquidation of Jewish property. 3. Directors means the escrow. 4. The Commissioner-General is appointed by the Minister of State for the vice presidency.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.]
“Lois pour la création du Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives [Laws for the creation of the General Commissariat for Jewish Questions].” No author. May 12, 2007, Accessed online 7/26/2011 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE